2.6.4. TikZ Goodies


TikZ Goodies Project

TikZ Goodies is a small and simple collection of TikZ packages for drawing:

CTAN Package

TikZ Goodies Timing-Diagrams Package


TikZ Goodies Timing-Diagrams README


TikZ Goodies Timing-Diagrams Example

Various kinds of timing diagrams (not hardware-oriented).


You may want to have a look at TikZ-Timing too if you want to draw some hardware-oriented timing diagrams.

tikzgoodies/timing-diagrams/basic.tex, in Figure 2.22.


    % Define timelines with their names, and ordinate as #2:

    % Actually draw the timelines (#2 is the horizontal length):

    % Provide captions for timelines:
    \tcaption{A}{A's caption};
    \tcaption{B}{B's caption};

    % Draw the actual content:

    % tick = vertical line accros the timeline

    % advance time

    % This one will be drawn 2 time units after the previous, because of
    % the \tskip:

    % One more with the same principle:

    % Same as above, but on timeline B:

    % \tbox creates a box with non-null width, and text inside:
    \tbox{B}{3}{Box on B};


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Figure 2.22 Basic Timing-Diagram example without additionals

tikzgoodies/timing-diagrams/timeline.tex, in Figure 2.23.


    \draw (-1,1.5)  node[rotate=90] (systemc) {\textsf{\large SystemC}};
    \draw[dashed] (-1,0) -- (9,0);
    \draw (-1,-2) node[rotate=90] (jtlm) {\textsf{\large jTLM}};

    % SystemC

    % jTLM
    \tskiptext{A}{2}{\texttt{\scriptsize wait(20)}};
    \tskiptext{P}{2}{\scriptsize awaitTime}

    % just so that the final picture looks pretty


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Figure 2.23 Timeline-Diagram example with ticks and tasks

tikzgoodies/timing-diagrams/annotations.tex, in Figure 2.24.




    \tcaption{real}{Real system};
    \tcaption{model}{SystemC model};


    \path (currentrealU) coordinate (endzooma);
    \path (currentrealU) ++(-.04, 0) coordinate (endzoomb);

    \path (currentmodelL) ++(-.04, 0) coordinate(startzooma);
    \path (currentmodelL) ++( .04, 0) coordinate(startzoomb);

    \path (startzoomb -| endzoomb) coordinate (topright);
    \path (barycentric cs:startzoomb=.5,endzooma=.5) coordinate (tmpa);
    \path (barycentric cs:topright=.5,endzoomb=.5) coordinate (tmpb);
    \draw[very thin,color=black!70!white] (startzooma) -- (endzooma);
    \draw[very thin,color=black!70!white] (startzoomb) .. controls (tmpa) and (tmpb) .. (endzoomb);


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Figure 2.24 Timing-Diagram example with annotations

tikzgoodies/timing-diagrams/callouts.tex, in Figure 2.25.


    \def\one{\raisebox{-2pt}{\large\ding{192}{ }}}
    \def\two{\raisebox{-1.5pt}{\large\ding{193}{ }}}
    \def\three{\raisebox{-2pt}{\large\ding{194}{ }}}
    \tikzstyle{arrow}=[->,line width=.05cm,draw=red!90!blue!60!black]

    \tcaption{T}{OS thread};



    \tcalloutU[(-.8,2.5)]{C}{\texttt{during(42, routine);}}

    \draw[arrow] (currentCL) -- node[left] {
            \one create\\thread
    } (currentTU);

    \tskiptextL{C}{4}{\two \texttt{wait(42)}\vspace{-2em}};


    \draw[arrow] (currentTU) -- node[right] {
            \three join\\thread
    } (currentCL);



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Figure 2.25 Timing-Diagram example with callouts (synchronizations)

Arrows (compact)

tikzgoodies/timing-diagrams/arrows-compact.tex, in Figure 2.26.



    \draw (currentace) ++ (9,-.3) node {Simulated time};

    \tcaption{ace}{P/T Solver};


    \tbox{sc}{6}{Functional (1)};

            SystemC reads\\temperature

    \draw (tmpmid) node[fill=white,inner sep=1pt] {(2)};
    \tbox{ace}{6}{Non-functional (3)};

    \draw (tmpmid) node[anchor=west] {(4)};



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Figure 2.26 Timing-Diagram example with arrows (compact)

Arrows (stretched)

tikzgoodies/timing-diagrams/arrows-stretched.tex, in Figure 2.27.



    \tcaption{ace}{P/T Solver};

    \draw (currentace) ++ (9,-.3) node {Simulated time};


    \ttextarrowU{sc}{end of instant $t_{i}$};
    \coordinate (sceoi) at (currentscL);

    \ttextarrowU{sc}{next instant $t_{i+1}$};

    \draw (tmpmid) node[anchor=east] {(2)};
    \tbox{ace}{6}{non-functional simu (3)};
    % \tcalloutL{ace}{No IT};
    \draw (tmpmid) node[anchor=west] {(4)};
    % \tcalloutU{sc}{Continue};


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Figure 2.27 Timing-Diagram example with arrows (stretched)

tikzgoodies/timing-diagrams/events.tex, in Figure 2.28.


  \tikzstyle{arrow}=[->,line width=.05cm,draw=red!90!blue!60!black]


  \coordinate (n1) at (-2.5,-.5);
  \coordinate (n2) at (-2.5,4);
  \draw [decoration={brace,amplitude=10pt},decorate] (n1) to (n2);

  \coordinate (o1) at (-2.5,-7.5);
  \coordinate (o2) at (-2.5,-1.5);
  \draw [decoration={brace,amplitude=10pt},decorate] (o1) to (o2);

  \draw (barycentric cs:n1=.5,n2=.5) ++(-10pt,0) node[anchor=south,rotate=90] {\large\textsf{(a) Naive Temperature Model}};
  \draw (barycentric cs:o1=.5,o2=.5) ++(-10pt,0) node[anchor=south,rotate=90] {\large\textsf{(b) Proposed Approach}};

  \tcaption{S}{Real System};


  \tevent{S}; \tskip{S}{1.5};
  \tevent{S}; \tskip{S}{1.3};
  \tevent{S}; \tskip{S}{1.2};

  \tendbrace{S}{\texttt{f(); wait(40);}};

  \tevent{S}; \tskip{S}{.8};
  \tevent{S}; \tskip{S}{.7};
  \tevent{S}; \tskip{S}{.5};
  \tevent{S}; \tskip{S}{.5};
  \tevent{S}; \tskip{S}{.8};

  \tendbrace{S}{\texttt{g(); wait(35);}};

  \foreach \x in {10,0,-10} {
  \foreach \x in {25,15,5,-5,-15,-25} {


  \draw[red!50!black,thick] (currentE) ++(0,.3) -- ++(.3,0) --
  node[right] {+3} ++(0,.6) -- ++(4,0) --
  node[right] {+6} ++(0,1.2) -- node[near end,below]{total=9} ++(3.5,0)


  \draw[blue!50!black,thick] (currentT) ++(0,.3) -- ++(.3,0) --
  coordinate[at end](peak1) ++(0,.6) .. controls +(1,-.2) .. ++(4,-.3) --
  coordinate[at end](peak2) ++(0,1) .. controls +(1,-.5) .. ++(3.5,-.8)

  \draw (peak1) node[draw,circle,thick](peak1){};
  \draw (peak2) node[draw,circle,thick](peak2){};
  \draw (barycentric cs:peak1=.5,peak2=.5) ++(0,.1) node[inner sep=0](peaks){
  \draw [arrow] (peaks) -- (peak1);
  \draw [arrow] (peaks) -- (peak2);


  \tbox{F}{4}{$\frac{3}{40}$ trans/sec};
  \tbox{F}{3.5}{$\frac{6}{35}$ trans/sec};


  \draw[red!50!black,thick] (currentEb) ++(0,.3) -- ++(.3,0) --
  -- node[at end,right]{total=9} ++(3.5,1.2)


  \draw[blue!50!black,thick] (currentTb) ++(0,.3) -- coordinate[at end](start)++(.3,0);
  \path (start)
  ++(4,.6) coordinate (x1)
  ++(3.5,.3) coordinate(x2);
  \draw[blue!50!black,thick,bend left=5] (start) to (x1);
  \draw[blue!50!black,thick,bend left=5] (x1) to (x2);


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Figure 2.28 Timing-Diagram example with events as vertical arrows

CTAN Package

TikZ Goodies Drawstack Package


TikZ Goodies Drawstack README


TikZ Goodies Drawstack Example

Specific kind of execution stacks (typically to illustrate assembly language notions).


tikzgoodies/drawstack/minimal.tex, in Figure 2.29.

% In context of the Sphinx TikZ extension we can not use the specific
% drawstack environment here and have to encapsulate it into a standard
% tikzpicture environment --> write the full declaration with \stacktop{}
% at the beginning and \stackbottom{} on the end.
\stacktop{} % do not remove
%%  now we on \begin{drawstack}
%%  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


    % Within the environment, draw stack elements with \cell{...}
    \cell{First cell}
    \cell{Second cell}

%%  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%  now we into \end{drawstack}
\stackbottom{} % do not remove

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Figure 2.29 Minimalistic execution stack example


tikzgoodies/drawstack/frames.tex, in Figure 2.30.

% In context of the Sphinx TikZ extension we can not use the specific
% drawstack environment here and have to encapsulate it into a standard
% tikzpicture environment --> write the full declaration with \stacktop{}
% at the beginning and \stackbottom{} on the end.
\stacktop{} % do not remove
%%  now we on \begin{drawstack}
%%  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


        \cell{First cell}
        \cell{Second cell}
    \finishframe{Some stack frame}

    \cell{Not interesting}

        \cell{\scriptsize Next stack frame}
        \cell{\scriptsize Next stack frame}
    \finishframe{Another stack frame}

%%  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%  now we into \end{drawstack}
\stackbottom{} % do not remove

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Figure 2.30 Execution stack example with grouped cells in frames


tikzgoodies/drawstack/padding.tex, in Figure 2.31.

% In context of the Sphinx TikZ extension we can not use the specific
% drawstack environment here and have to encapsulate it into a standard
% tikzpicture environment --> write the full declaration with \stacktop{}
% at the beginning and \stackbottom{} on the end.
\stacktop{} % do not remove
%%  now we on \begin{drawstack}
%%  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


    \cell{above padding}
    \padding{3}{nothing here}
    \cell{below padding}

%%  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%  now we into \end{drawstack}
\stackbottom{} % do not remove

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Figure 2.31 Execution stack example with cell padding

Base Pointer

tikzgoodies/drawstack/base-pointer.tex, in Figure 2.32.

% In context of the Sphinx TikZ extension we can not use the specific
% drawstack environment here and have to encapsulate it into a standard
% tikzpicture environment --> write the full declaration with \stacktop{}
% at the beginning and \stackbottom{} on the end.
\stacktop{} % do not remove
%%  now we on \begin{drawstack}
%%  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


    % \cellcom writes something on the right-hand side of a cell.
    \cell{loc2} \cellcom{-8(\%ebp)}
    \cell{loc1} \cellcom{-4(\%ebp)}
    % \esp and \ebp are stack pointer and base pointer in Pentium.
    % These macros are simple shortcuts for \cellptr{...}
    \cell{Backup \%ebp} \esp \ebp
    \cell{@ return} \cellcom{4(\%ebp)}
    \finishframe{function\\ {\tt op()}}
    \cell{} \cellcom{8(\%ebp)}
    \finishframe{function\\ {\tt main()}}

%%  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%  now we into \end{drawstack}
\stackbottom{} % do not remove

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Figure 2.32 Execution stack example with base pointers

Stack Pointer

tikzgoodies/drawstack/stack-pointer.tex, in Figure 2.33.

% In context of the Sphinx TikZ extension we can not use the specific
% drawstack environment here and have to encapsulate it into a standard
% tikzpicture environment --> write the full declaration with \stacktop{}
% at the beginning and \stackbottom{} on the end.
\stacktop{} % do not remove
%%  now we on \begin{drawstack}
%%  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


    \cell{Below top}
    % \bcell is just like \cell, but in a different color.
    \bcell{Above bottom} \cellptr{Stack pointer here}

%%  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%  now we into \end{drawstack}
\stackbottom{} % do not remove

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Figure 2.33 Execution stack example with stack pointers


tikzgoodies/drawstack/structure.tex, in Figure 2.34.



    \draw (3, -1) node (Otm) {

    \structcell[freecell]{~} \coordinate (Atm) at (currentcell.east);
    \structcell[freecell]{\texttt{@code A.m()}}
    \structcell[freecell]{\texttt{@code A.p()}} \coordinate (A) at (currentcell.west);
            \large{A's vtable}

    \structcell[freecell]{} \coordinate (Btm) at (currentcell.east);
    \structcell[freecell]{\texttt{@code A.m()}}
    \structcell[freecell]{\texttt{@code B.p()}}
    \structcell[freecell]{\texttt{@code B.q()}}
            \large{B's vtable}

    \draw[->] (Btm) -- (A);
    \draw[->] (Atm) -- (Otm);


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Figure 2.34 Structures without a stack structure

Stack Structure

tikzgoodies/drawstack/stack-structure.tex, in Figure 2.35.



    \cell{\texttt{p3}}        \cellcomL{11(GB)} \coordinate (p3) at (currentcell.east);
    \cell{\texttt{p2}}        \cellcomL{10(GB)} \coordinate (p2) at (currentcell.east);
    \cell{\texttt{p1}}        \cellcomL{ 9(GB)} \coordinate (p1) at (currentcell.east);
    \cell{\texttt{@P3D.diag}} \cellcomL{ 8(GB)}
    \cell{\texttt{\footnotesize @Object.equals}} \cellcomL{ 7(GB)}
    \cell{\texttt{3(GB)}}     \cellcomL{ 6(GB)} \coordinate (T1) at (currentcell.east);
    \cell{\texttt{@P2D.diag}} \cellcomL{ 5(GB)}
    \cell{\texttt{\footnotesize @Object.equals}} \cellcomL{ 4(GB)}
    \cell{\texttt{1(GB)}}     \cellcomL{ 3(GB)} \coordinate (T2) at (currentcell.east);
    \cell{\texttt{\footnotesize @Object.equals}} \cellcomL{ 2(GB)}
    \cell{\texttt{null}}      \cellcomL{ 1(GB)}

    \structcell{.} \coordinate (O1) at (currentcell.west);
    \coordinate (O1l) at (currentcell.south);

    \structcell{.} \coordinate (O2) at (currentcell.west);
    \coordinate (O2l) at (currentcell.south);

    \draw[->] (p3) -- (O1);
    \draw[->] (p2) -- (O1);
    \draw[->] (p1) -- (O2);

    \draw[->] (O1l) .. controls (O1 |- T1) .. (T1);
    \draw[->] (O2l) .. controls (O2 |- T2) .. (T2);

    \draw (10,-10) node{Heap};


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Figure 2.35 Structures and stack together


tikzgoodies/drawstack/highlighting.tex, in Figure 2.36.

% In context of the Sphinx TikZ extension we can not use the specific
% drawstack environment here and have to encapsulate it into a standard
% tikzpicture environment --> write the full declaration with \stacktop{}
% at the beginning and \stackbottom{} on the end.
\stacktop{} % do not remove
%%  now we on \begin{drawstack}
%%  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


    \cell{\scriptsize Uninteresting cell}
    \cell{Interesting cell} \cellround{Yes, this one!}

%%  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%  now we into \end{drawstack}
\stackbottom{} % do not remove

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Figure 2.36 Execution stack example with highlighted note


tikzgoodies/drawstack/style.tex, in Figure 2.37.

% In context of the Sphinx TikZ extension we can not use the specific
% drawstack environment here and have to encapsulate it into a standard
% tikzpicture environment --> write the full declaration with \stacktop{}
% at the beginning and \stackbottom{} on the end.
\stacktop{} % do not remove
%%  now we on \begin{drawstack}
%%  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    {% tikzstyle will be local to this {...}


        \cell{\scriptsize Uninteresting cell}
        \cell{Interesting cell} \cellround{Yes, this one!}


%%  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%  now we into \end{drawstack}
\stackbottom{} % do not remove

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Figure 2.37 Execution stack example with changed style


TikZ Goodies TikzLM README


TikZ Goodies TikzLM Example (tikzlm-example.pdf)

Basic elements of typical SystemC and/or TLM usage.

tikzgoodies/tikzlm/platform.tex, in Figure 2.38.

% Can help for debugging
%   \draw[step=1cm,gray!30!white,very thin] (0,0) grid (10,10);

    \scmodule[minimum width=2cm, minimum height=1cm]{(3,5.5)}{CPU}{CPU};

    \scmodule[minimum width=2cm, minimum height=1cm]{(7,5.5)}{ITC}{ITC};

    \scmodule[minimum width=2cm, minimum height=1cm]{(5,1.5)}{RAM}{RAM};

    \draw (itc_irq) -- (cpu_irq);

    \tlmbus[minimum width=7cm, minimum height=1.0cm]{(5,3.5)}{Bus}{Bus};



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Figure 2.38 Platform show explicitly the sockets of the bus

tikzgoodies/tikzlm/system.tex, in Figure 2.39.

% Can help for debugging
%   \draw[step=1cm,gray!30!white,very thin] (0,0) grid (15,10);

    \tlmbus[minimum width=12cm,minimum height=1cm]{(8,3)}{Bus}{Bus};

    \scmodule[minimum width=2cm, minimum height=1cm]{(3.5,5)}{CPU}{CPU};

    \scmodule[minimum width=2cm, minimum height=1cm]{(6.5,5)}{ITC}{ITC};
% Y est dans la vraie plateforme, mais pas dans notre version TLM.
%   \tsocket{ITC.south}{90}{itc_socket};
%   \hbindbus{itc_socket}{Bus.north};

    \draw (itc) -- (cpu_irq);

    \scmodule[minimum width=2cm, minimum height=1cm]{(4.5,1)}{data_RAM}{Data RAM};

    \scmodule[minimum width=3cm, minimum height=1cm]{(8,1)}{inst_RAM}{Instruction RAM};

    \scmodule[minimum width=2cm, minimum height=1cm]{(11.5,1)}{GPIO}{GPIO};

    \scmodule[minimum width=2cm, minimum height=1cm]{(9.5,5)}{VGA}{VGA};


    \scmodule[minimum width=2cm, minimum height=1cm]{(12.5,5)}{timer}{Timer};

    \draw (VGA.north) +(0,.5) coordinate (abovevga);
    \draw (abovevga -| VGA.west) coordinate (abovevgaw);
    \draw (abovevga -| VGA.east) coordinate (abovevgae);

    \draw(abovevgae) -- (abovevgaw);


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Figure 2.39 System show sockets connected through the bus

tikzgoodies/tikzlm/memmap.tex, in Figure 2.40.

% Can help for debugging
%   \draw[step=1cm,gray!30!white,very thin] (0,0) grid (10,5);


    \scmodule[minimum width=7cm, minimum height=2.5cm]{(1,7)}{CPU}{};
    \node (cpu_title) at (CPU.north west) [anchor=north west] {CPU};
    \path (Bus.north-|CPU.south) ++ (1,0) coordinate (bustsocket);

    \scmodule[minimum width=7cm, minimum height=2.5cm]{(7.5,0)}{RAM}{};
    \node (cpu_title) at (RAM.north west) [anchor=north west] {RAM};
    \path (Bus.south-|RAM.north) ++(-1, 0) coordinate (busisocket);

    % Show that other targets could have been there
    \draw (2.5,2) node (target1) {T1};
    \draw (4.5,2) node (target2) {T2};

    \isocket{target1 |- Bus.south}{-90}{bus_isocket1};
    \isocket{target2 |- Bus.south}{-90}{bus_isocket2};





        \codebox{CPU}{\footnotesize \dots{}\\socket.write(addr,data);\\ \dots{}};
        \codebox{RAM}{status write(addr,data) \{\\
          ~~~~mem[addr] = data;\\

        \draw[dashed, very thick, draw=red!50!black]
            (cpu_socket_in) .. controls
            (cpu_socket |- Bus.south) and
            (Bus.north -| ram_socket) ..


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Figure 2.40 System with memory map on the side